
As with many league structures, the SR league (as specified in the rulebook) separates the notion of game points and league points. As teams take part in games, they each acquire a certain score in each game; their position relative to other teams in the same game determines the number of league points they get.

In the most basic wins/losses setup in a typical 2-player-game league, the usual distribution is 1 league point for a win and 0 for a loss, making league points equivalent to wins. In 2-player games that have ties, this might go to 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 points for a loss.

The SR game, however, is unusual in that each game has 4 teams taking part. Giving league points only to the team that comes first would not create sufficient separation in the league.

The League Points algorithm

League points are awarded such that the winnig team earns 2 * num_zones points and each subsequent place below earns two points less. When there are teams in every zone, the team in last place thus earns 2 points.

For example, in a four-zone arena, in a match between 4 teams: 8 points are awarded to the team in 1st place, 6 to the team in 2nd place, 4 to the team in 3rd and 2 to the team in last place.

In case of a tie, the points between tied teams are divided evenly. For instance, in a 2-way tie for 1st place, there are a total of (8 + 6 = 14) points available, so both teams are awarded 7 points. Despite the division, in all cases the awarded points are an exact integer.


Occasionally, teams are disqualified from matches. This can be a failure to appear (where, naturally, they should not be awarded league points), safety issues, or foul play.

In the event of a team’s disqualification, two changes are made to the league points algorithm:

  1. The disqualified team is considered to have fewer game points than any other team—that is, even if another team scored 0 game points, the disqualified team would place lower.

  2. After league points are distributed, the awarded league points are set to 0 for the disqualified team.